Maid No 傭工編號: PH2691
Type of maid 傭工類型: Overseas
Personal Information 個人紀錄
Maid number 傭工編號 PH2691 Type of maid 傭工類型 Overseas
Name 傭工姓名 ELYN Education 教育程度 Senior High School 高中
Nationality 國籍 Filipino 菲律賓 Religion 宗教 Catholic 天主教
Date of Birth 出生日期 1988 / 龍 / 射手座 Weight 體重 55 kg
Age 年齡 35 Height 高度 152 cm
Marital Status 婚姻狀況 Married 已婚 No. of Son(s) 兒子數目 1, Age ( 12 )
No. of Brother(s) 兄弟數目 3 No. of Daughter(s) 女兒數目 2, Age ( 14, 10 )
No. of Sister(s) 姐妹數目 3 I am No. 在家排行 1
Duties Priority 工作意向
Not Willing
Taking care of babies 照顧嬰兒
Taking care of children 照顧小童
Taking care of elderly 老人護理
Taking care of disabled 照顧傷殘
Cooking 烹飪
Pet Care 照顧寵物
Language Ability 語言能力

Working Experience 工作經驗
Hong Kong
Middle East
2 years 
Saudi Arabia
3 years 
4 years 
其他 Other   
Remark 備註 (評語只供參考)
General Information 一般諮詢 Yes 是 No 否
1. Do you drink alcohol or smoke regularly? 你是否吸煙或飲酒?
2. Do you eat pork? Are you willing to handle and cook pork? 你是否吃豬肉? 你是否願意處理豬肉?
3. Do you accept rest day on weekday, not on Sunday? 你是否接受休息日不是星期日?
4. Are you willing to work on your day off with compensated salary? 你是否願意在特別情況下休息日工作, 以薪金補償?
5. Are you accept share room with kids or baby? 你是否願意與小孩或嬰兒同房?
6. Do you have any food allergy? Pls. Specify 你是否有食物敏感?
7. Are you willing to take care of pets,i.e: dogs or cats? 你是否願意照顧狗或寵物?
8. Do you accept employer's home have CCTVs/ carmeras in a non-private area? 你能接受你的雇主在他們家的非私人區域安裝攝錄系統嗎?
9. Would you like to take care of people with disabilities, help them bathe, change diapers, defecate, accompany them to the hospital regularly, etc.? 你願意照顧殘疾人士, 幫他們洗澡, 換尿布, 排便, 定期陪同他們去醫院, 等等?
10. Do you ever been convicted of any crime or offense either in Hong Kong or elsewhere? 請問你是否有在香港或其他地方因任何罪行或違法行為被定罪?
11. Do you have tattoo? if yes, which body part? 你有刺青嗎? 如果有,在您身體的哪個部位?
12. Are you willing to work for a family with more than 6 members? 你是否願意為超過六個成員家庭工作
Maid No 傭工編號: PH2691
Last Employer 上任僱主
Location 工作地點 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Nationality of Employer 僱主國籍 EMIRATEA
No. of members 僱主家庭人數 2 Service Period 服務年限 2022-01 - 2024-01
Size of Flat 單位面積 Apartment
Take care of babies 照顧嬰兒:
Take care of children 照顧小孩:
Take care of adult 照顧成人: COUPLE
Take care of elderly 照顧老人:
Take care of disabled 照顧傷殘:
House work 一般家務
Hand-Washing Clothes 手洗衣服
Share Room 與他人共用房間
Pet Care 照顧寵物:
Other 其他:
Go to market 街巿買餸
Car wash 洗車
Cooking 烹飪: Western西 ARABIC FOOD
Reason of leaving 離職原因 FINISH CONTRACT
Previous Employer 前任僱主
Location 工作地點 SAUDI Nationality of Employer 僱主國籍 SUADIA
No. of members 僱主家庭人數 2 Service Period 服務年限 2019-01 - 2022-01
Size of Flat 單位面積 Apartment
Take care of babies 照顧嬰兒:
Take care of children 照顧小孩:
Take care of adult 照顧成人: 34 YEARS OLD
Take care of elderly 照顧老人: 62 YEARS OLD
Take care of disabled 照顧傷殘:
House work 一般家務
Hand-Washing Clothes 手洗衣服
Share Room 與他人共用房間
Pet Care 照顧寵物:
Other 其他:
Go to market 街巿買餸
Car wash 洗車
Cooking 烹飪: Western西 ARBIC FOOD
Reason of leaving 離職原因 FINISH CONTRACT
Previous Employer 前任僱主
Location 工作地點 MANILA PHILIPPINES Nationality of Employer 僱主國籍 PILIPINO
No. of members 僱主家庭人數 3 Service Period 服務年限 2014 - 2018
Size of Flat 單位面積 Flat
Take care of babies 照顧嬰兒: 5 MONTHS OLD
Take care of children 照顧小孩:
Take care of adult 照顧成人:
Take care of elderly 照顧老人:
Take care of disabled 照顧傷殘:
House work 一般家務
Hand-Washing Clothes 手洗衣服
Share Room 與他人共用房間
Pet Care 照顧寵物:
Other 其他:
Go to market 街巿買餸
Car wash 洗車
Cooking 烹飪: Western西
Reason of leaving 離職原因 FINISH CINTRACT
Previous Employer 前任僱主
Location 工作地點 Nationality of Employer 僱主國籍
No. of members 僱主家庭人數 Service Period 服務年限 -
Size of Flat 單位面積
Take care of babies 照顧嬰兒:
Take care of children 照顧小孩:
Take care of adult 照顧成人:
Take care of elderly 照顧老人:
Take care of disabled 照顧傷殘:
House work 一般家務
Hand-Washing Clothes 手洗衣服
Share Room 與他人共用房間
Pet Care 照顧寵物:
Other 其他:
Go to market 街巿買餸
Car wash 洗車
Cooking 烹飪:
Reason of leaving 離職原因
Any information shown in this form is solely provided by the Helper, “TWINKLELAND” has sought the information as detailed and genuine as practicable within reasonable control. Clients should verify by themselves the related information during the interviews and screenings. No guarantee for the authenticity of the helpers' personal data is hereby given by “TWINKLELAND”.
此表的一切資料均由傭工提供, 本公司已力求詳盡真確,客戶需於面試及甄選過程中自行核實相關資料,本公司對傭工個人資料之真確性,並不作出任何保證。
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